How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Turning Ugly Into Beauty

This week we will take you on a journey on how we launched Jamaica’s first AI and data analytics start-up. StarApple AI is the culmination of my life and experiences. I grew up with a love for art, science, and technology, around entrepreneurs who could laser-focus on problems and figure out how to solve them,… Continue reading How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Turning Ugly Into Beauty

Data Analytics could reduce strike threats.

The recent strike and threat of strikes left the whole country in a mess. First, taps ran dry, followed by disrupted airport movements, and the nation waited with bated breath for the hammer to fall with an even larger strike across the public service   For starters, disagreements are a part of life, as are… Continue reading Data Analytics could reduce strike threats.

Artificial Intelligence Needs You

Artificial intelligence (AI), as sci-fi as aliens, is now a fundamental part of our daily lives. AI is a field that leverages computer systems, statistics and mathematics to mimic how animals, mainly humans, solve problems and make decisions. AI can do amazing things, recommend the best movies for you on Netflix, find exactly what you… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence Needs You

How AI Can Help Reduce Crime In Jamaica

As we enter into one of the worst economic times in recent history, I started to think, about what is the biggest risk to our nation achieving a successful economic recovery. The answer was a crime, and as the economy deteriorates, crime is expected to increase.   Public safety to me is the most important… Continue reading How AI Can Help Reduce Crime In Jamaica